Experience exchange in avalanche operations for roads

The workshop is to extract as much information as possible from colleges around the world.
8.30-11.30 Presenting organization and operations
Short presentation of its organization and avalanche operations with respect to roads. The presentation should be a maximum of 10 minutes, and the presenter chooses self what subject/challenges is worth sharing and is wanting feedback on. The points below is just a suggestion what the presentation might cover:
- Key challenges
- Short avalanche statistics
- Organization background/setup, who is responsible for what?
- Avalanche forecast
- Short term mitigation? preventive road closures, avalanche control etc.
- Plans for improving the situation?
Short discussion and questions after each presentation.
11.30 – 12.15 Lunch: Baguette, snacks and soft drinks.
12.30 – 15.00 Groupwork: Division into groups where each participant in the group are from different organizations.
- Each group member interviews the other group members to extract information and comparison of how avalanche operations is conducted. The presentations before lunch are the baseline for the interview/discussion. Similarities and differences is noted for the later presentation.
- Presentation groupwork. Each group presents both the organizations similarities, and their differences.
- Wrap up. Have we learned something? Possible to implement in our own organization?
Saturday 28 September 2024
08:30 – 15:00
Building: UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Medical Health Faculty Building 1 (google maps)
Room: Auditorium 9 (MHU7.125) (mazemap)